After several years of successful partnership with universities in the capital, the company has found a new academic partner in Varna – “the Black Sea capital”. Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy is the oldest technical educational institution in the Republic of Bulgaria with a history of 141 years and numerous present achievements. Its mission is to develop highly qualified leaders for the Bulgarian Navy and the maritime industry and to prepare them for the challenges of the global maritime economy.

In 2017 we have an active framework cooperation agreement with Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy.
It serves as a platform for long-term and strategic cooperation in education, research and innovation. The main objectives of the agreement are to promote modern technologies among Bulgarian students and specialists, best practices of offshore industry, the corresponding Health, Safety and Environment standards and to elaborate research programs and academic content related to hydrocarbon Exploration&Production activities.
Between 2017 and 2020 seventy-five students took part in 3 courses.
In 2019, we provided funding to the Naval Academy in Varna for setting up a remote sensing center for oil spill monitoring and decision making. The project contributes to the protection of the Black Sea coastal area.
Our collaboration with the Naval Academy continued in 2022 with the project “Offshore Green Energy Production Potential in EEZ of Bulgaria”. With the financial support of TotalEnergies EP Bulgaria, the Naval Academy team of professors and students created specialized maps aimed at locating the best areas for wind and underwater turbine generators installation for green energy production in the Exclusive Economic Zone of Bulgaria in Black Sea.