Total supported the third edition of the Oil and Gas Offshore Safety Seminar
Sofia , 24 November 2017
On the initiative of the Balkan and Black Sea Petroleum Association (BBSPA), representatives of the Bulgarian government Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy and representatives of European professional organisations and companies from the oil and gas industry met to share their experience on the practice of offshore safety in oil and gas operations.
This event particularly focused on a new piece of legislation, currently under implementation in Europe, known as the “Offshore Safety Directive” (OSD). This directive has the objective to set standards across Europe and has been transposed late 2016 in Bulgarian law.
Mr Krasimir Parvanov, Deputy Minister of Energy, opened the seminar and presented the government’s position. Mrs Tatiana Gusachenko, HSE Manager in Total E&P Bulgaria gave the key presentation on the first implementation of the OSD in Bulgaria and pointed out the challenges and lessons learned from the preparation and drilling of the exploration well Rubin-1. The participants discussed the OSD application in Bulgaria, the practical support to Operators and Regulators, the available Oil Spill Response Services in the Black Sea and some case studies.
The event, organised by BBSPA and sponsored by Total, was an opportunity for all the participants to share knowledge and good practices and to speak about standards and culture in safety.