In support of marine culture and young people
Total E&P Bulgaria BV - partner of the second edition of the National Forum "Sailing in the Black Sea"
As part of its corporate social responsibility program and in order to contribute to the sustainable development of the regions in which the company operates, Total E&P Bulgaria B.V. became a partner of the second edition of the National Forum "Sailing in the Black Sea".

This year, the focus was on marine culture among young people, sailing as a sport or profession and ecological sailing in the Black Sea. Special guest speakers were leading representatives of the "Port Infrastructure" State Enterprise, the Maritime Administration Executive Agency and the Port of Varna EAD.
The forum was organized by the Cor Caroli Sailing Academy and the Association “For Intelligent Growth”. It was held at the end of June 2020 in Varna (the sea capital of Bulgaria). The access to the event was free and the attendees participated in the discussions. Essays from the competition "Marine culture - what is it?" were read between the panels.
More information about the Forum here