New learning opportunities provided by Total E&P Bulgaria
The objective is to boost the employability of local talents in an increasingly competitive international environment and to share the lessons learned from working experience with students, young university lecturers and professionals.
In the beginning of October this year a dozen of students successfully completed the course “Hydrocarbon exploration through seismic techniques”, held at Sofia University.
A second course at the University of Mining and Geology for another group of participants was “Health, safety, environment (HSE) fundamentals”.
For the first time, in addition to the course, a short seminar was proposed to public officials, to students and professors from both universities.
During the seminar the lecturer Louis Heuzé shared his substantial experience in HSE issues. Former Senior Vice-President for HSE and Sustainable development in Total, he presented to the audience Total’s policy in this field. A Q&A session followed the seminar.
In line with the commitment to training of Bulgarian specialists in the field of exploration and production of hydrocarbons, Total E&P Bulgaria will discuss the needs for training with its partner’s universities in order to plan next series of courses for 2017.