Bulgarian students and professors returned from TESS 2016
Total Energy Summer School 2016 took place in July 2016 in Fontainebleau, France. Two students from the Faculty of Geology and Geography of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” and two students from the University of Mining and Geology “St. Ivan Rilski”, participated in the event together with their professors. Total E&P Bulgaria supported their travel and stay in France. 85 students, selected from amongst 6700 applicants, had the chance to meet energy experts, leading academics from Total Professorial and Research Chairs and from Total’s partner universities. The school proposed to the students four days of interactive learning, discussions and networking.
Once returned to Sofia, the group was received by Mr Xavier Faugeras, General Manager of Total E&P Bulgaria. At the meeting the young people shared their exciting experience showing how industry and education can work together to prepare students with the skills they will need for the future of energy and explained about the challenging tasks given to the different teams. The professors shared their pleasure to see the verve of all Bulgarian participants and their pride that one of them was on the winning team. All were impressed by the valuable exchanges of ideas, the innovative learning process and the excellent organisation of the event and wanted to thank Total’s affiliate in Sofia for giving them the great opportunity to get acquainted with the experts and the future of energy.