Energy and environment awareness campaign of Total E&P Bulgaria in schools in Burgas
For the third time in 2017 representatives of Total E&P Bulgaria visited coastal schools.
In December 2017 they met pupils and teachers from 5 schools in Burgas (Primary schools “Bratya Miladinovi”, “Vassil Aprilov”, “Hristo Botev” Dolno Ezerovo, “Lyuben Karavelov” and Secondary school “Sv.Sv. Kiril i Metodii”). Using an interactive presentation and short videos, different renewable and non-renewable sources of energy and ways of producing it were shown to the children. The discussions with them were focused the meaning of sustainable development and the objectives of present and future generations. The guide “Planète Énergies” with curious facts about the history of using the energy and many educational games was distributed to about 150 pupils.