VIA Road Safety program in coastal schools successfully completed

This year TotalEnergies EP Bulgaria, in cooperation with the Bulgarian Youth Red Cross and with the active help of their volunteers, started to implement VIA (the global educational program for raising young people’s awareness on road hazards). The actions were deployed in four schools in Varna and Burgas. Thus 190 children, 10-12 years old, followed a series of modules with practical exercises and discussed topics about the road signs, the risks on the road and pedestrian’s behaviour.
We thank the Directors of the schools ("St. Kliment Ohridski”, “Patriarch Evtimii” (Varna) and “Lyuben Karavelov”, “Alexander Georgiev-Kodzhakafaliyata” (Burgas) for having welcomed and fostered the initiative.
A short video is available at the site of the Bulgarian Youth Red Cross -