Total E&P Bulgaria sponsors and participates in „Geosciences 2020“
At the beginning of December Total E&P Bulgaria traditionally joined the Annual Conference with international participation "Geosciences 2020", organized by the Bulgarian Geological Society. For the first time, some of the reports were presented online and the others were uploaded to the One Drive cloud of Sofia University. At the conference were announced the laureatеs of diplomas for young scientist and of the award "Prof. Zhivko Ivanov ".
A geologist from the exploration team of Total E&P Bulgaria made a presentation on the West Black Sea prospectivity outlook post-Tuna-1 well discovery.
The President of the Bulgarian Geological Society and Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Geology and Geography, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nikola Botoucharov thanked Total E&P Bulgaria and the other sponsors for their consecutive financial support.

The conference proceedings will be published soon.
Read more about the conference (article in Bulgarian) here